Law of Durakiss
Article 1:
Citizen status is given to anyone living in the city. An application to rent a house as private property may be done at the Royal Secretary Office (West Docks District)
Article 2:
Crimes perpetrated on the city ground will be judged by the city court.
The crime will be investigated by the city guard with aid of city officials. If perpetrator is apprehended a trial and subsequent punishment will follow.
Non exhaustive examples of crime:
While public nudity is not forbidden, deliberate sexual acts in public areas are.
Defamation of city official.
Pretending to be part of the city office or guard.
Article 3:
All citizens may carry their weapon or utilize magic in self-defense. (req: Permit of appropriate kind)
At request by any guard a weapon or magic permit are to be presented, failing to do so will prompt investigation and potential time in prison.
Conflicts may be resolved at the Arena (market district). An impartial witness is to be present to validate the outcome.
Article 4:
Offensive and mind altering magic against a city official will be considered a crime.
Article 5:
Hiding your face is tolerated but it’s mandatory to reveal it if asked by a guard. The non-respect of this article can lead to a banishment of the city for a temporary time or, if recidivist, for a permanent ban from the city ground.
Article 6:
Animals under half a human size are tolerated but the owner will be responsible for it in regard of the laws. Dangerous looking animals need a special permit to be allowed. Horses and common beasts of burden are an exception and are allowed to everyone in the main streets.
Article 7:
Owners are responsible of the well being of their slaves.
Punishments are to serve as corrections for misbehavior and are expected to be in proportion to the transgression.
A free citizen of Durakiss may sell themselves as an indentured servant. A contract with terms and conditions are to be established, agreed upon by both parties.
Foreign slave owners are considered, during their stay, to have the same rights and responsibilities for their slaves as any Durakian counterpart.
Article 8:
Piracy is not tolerated in the sea under the protection of the Durakiss fleet and the associated trade routes. Pirates outside the Durakiss field of influence is tolerated and can dock if they follow the laws when in the city, otherwise, the ship will be seized and the crew will be put in jail.
Article 9:
Upon confirmed espionage on behalf of foreign power any and all property of the spy and of that belonging to the foreign power, may be confiscated by the crown of Durakiss.
As per the: The Consortium Extremis Dominus Rule 1