During the Reign: King Sousuke
Reign of King Sousuke
The Royal Wedding
The Paradisia Case
Rise of the power
A Rabbit Mage shown up and took the power on Durakiss.
Marriage with Jula Marin-Escoffier
A large celebration happened in the Castle Eagleview. A crown came to join the joy of the celebration in the Chapel.
After, the Ball started in the Ball Room of the castle with lof ot fun and fancy dresses.
The Paradisia Case
After long discussion and stated by the Council the Durakissian took by force the control of Paradisia Island. The surprise attacked led to a brief total victory. The troops of lomidar shown up and got defeated by the glorious army of Durakiss.
After that, few cawas got treatorously used by Lomidar against Durakissian Ambassador and the Arcane Consellor.
Even that, some negociation was led by Queen Jula Marin-Escoffier. Thoses negociations were very complicated by the act of Ralien Family: one of their servant, the Ambassador of Durakiss Desiree, tryed to kidnap the Queen in order to force her to accept a deal.
After that and the mediation of King Sousuke, a deal was found and Durakiss ceased back Paradisia Island but Paradisia de la Paix and some gold plates.
The Ralien family, after their treason left the city of Durakiss.
War Against Consortium
First strike of War Against Consortium
Invasion of Mur Forest
Mur Village Liberation
The war rose up when the Cosortium ambushed Queen Jula Marin in the space port of Antebellum. The crown immediatly retaliate and take a temporary controll of the area by force. Queen Jula immediatly set up some hebdomary public meeting about the situation
Odd structures in the form of singular domes, roughly the size of a tent, have appeared around the land. Witnesses have felt an unstoppable urge to touch these domes whenever they went close to them. The range of this effect has been believed to be around ten meters, though an official confirmation of the extent of this influence has not been confirmed.
Whenever someone touches one of the domes, the effect is immediate: that person will suffer from mental deterioration, including but not limited to; a limitation in their speech ability, difficulties in forming coherent thoughts, and a very strong sense of hunger. That hunger can lead an afflicted person to act in a hostile manner toward those who are not under this same influence.
Physical alterations are noticeable too: their skin turns gray, patches of their flesh becoming necrotic, and their eyes turn vitreous. All those symptoms could describe a state much feared by most: zombiism.
Some investigation was led and the professor is the clone of a professor from Rotagonda specialized in Dark Matter.
The Mur village was conquered by Consortium force as the Hills, part of the Pinewood forest and Mur Harbor. Durakiss were the first to strike back, liberating the village of Mur. Some hard discussion with Duchess Roxy was done and the controll was released to Oloth.
After that Lomidarians forces took controll of Mur Harbor and Oloth ends up the cleansing of the lands of Archeterre. Few days after, the controll of l’Arche was taken by Durakiss.
Conquest of l’Arche
As the war was getting too quiet, the Crown of Durakiss took the lead of a violent assault on l’Arche. The surrounding of the old tower is now under Durakiss controll. Some flows of reinforcement came from Durakissian gate.