The snow, the sand and the plague
An unexplainable serie of events occured recently in Arche-Terre, more precisely in the desert of Sambrune, near the Nouthern Arche.
The first of those event was a meteorogical one: for the first time in memories of the inhabitants, snow has fallen in the desert. Intrigued by this phenomenon, an explorer, Dalin Ravenstorm, decided to approach, only to find the presence of a new form of life… Sort of.
Black oozes were roaming in the desert, assaulting the various creatures living there. After a few skirmishes, Dalin Ravenstorm pursued his journey, going through an opening in the ground, near the Arche. Here, according to him, he saw a « war torned land, with those oozes and Consortium enforcers walking around », then he managed to escape via another passage leading him through the Northern Arche, near Port Embria.
Although this last allegation couldn’t be verified, the rest was indeed proven true: snow is falling in Sambrune, black oozes were around, and a tunnel entrance was indeed found, however its access was denied by a sort of manhole cover.
After his expedition, Dalien Ravenstorm has contracted an illness with the following symptoms: strong itching, coughing fit, mild fever. It is believed that the contact with the oozes contaminated him and he was placed in quarantine in Sambrune. His companion, Ava, worried for his well being, is making a plea for anyone able to find a cure to contact her as soon as possible.
In the meanwhile, even if the oozes in the desert were dispatched, the G.O.A.T. recommands to anyone crossing the desert of Sambrune to do so with caution, and to not approach any unkwown form of life there.
Vincent D. Ryder
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